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Supporting Camden's high streets 

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Supporting Camden's high streets 

Camden’s high streets play a crucial role in community life. They are places for residents, workers and visitors to shop, work, socialise, and access culture and services.  

The challenge 

Camden’s high streets, along with those up and down the country, are facing new challenges. The way we shop is changing, and COVID-19 has accelerated the impact of these new trends. 

In 2020, we launched Camden Future High Streets to support our high streets through the pandemic and beyond. We want to: 

  • attract people back to their high streets 
  • tackle the challenges facing Camden businesses 
  • explore how we can use our centres in new ways 

You can read more about this vision and our ongoing work in the Camden Future High Street prospectus

Funding our high streets 

As part of this work, we are funding projects that support the recovery and re-imagining of our high streets for a sustainable future. 

Partnering with Spacehive, we have made £360,000 available for innovative new high street projects. You will need to crowdfund half of your total project costs, and we will fund the remaining 50% (up to £35,000 a project). 

We are seeking proposals from local groups that will benefit Camden's high streets, businesses and residents. 

To get involved or learn more, view our Camden Future High Streets Spacehive crowdfund page

Contact us 

Have a question or got an idea? 

Email us at